One-On-One Holistic Coaching

Exponential Growth For Artists

One-On-One Holistic Coaching

Exponential Growth For Artists

A Lab For Your Dreams


This private space is designed for freedom and for you to experiment, imagine, dream, and reveal yourself on your own terms. Everything that happens in the sessions is confidential.


Supportive Environment

This space is perfect for letting go, dream big, and welcome yourself. Max Olivier is your ally, serving you and your dreams, whatever they are.

No Jugement Zone

In this space, the goal is to help you to collaborate with yourself, your dreams, revealing who you truly are without judgments.

My Commitment To You

The expert of you is YOU

My job is not to tell you what to do and who you should be; I’m here to help you welcome yourself, and unleash your true power on your own terms.

Get the Unstoppable Mindset

I will help you overcome issues related to: self-esteem and faith in your talent – authenticity and artistic courage – criticism and fear of judgment – validation and legitimacy – self-censure and permission – Fear of failure, fear of success, and more…

Master your day to day

I will help you get more results. From mastering your creative processes to managing better your time, projects, collaborations, and workspace.

Unlock your Business Soul

I will help you define, grow and protect your dream, turning your vision into a detailed plan so you can make a living with your art without losing yourself.

What To Expect During Your Session


Before each session together, you can choose a particular issue or goal to work on based on your assessment session.

If you are not sure or if you prefer, you can let  the conversation unfold and I will guide you naturally in your areas of concern.

Or maybe, since our last session, a rapid development  requires your immediate attention: if so, we can focus on that.  

Clarity on a particular goal

You know what you want, but you’re not sure how to get there? Let’s create a detailed plan with step-by-step actions, so you don’t get lost living your dream. It’s time to reveal, define, grow and protect your vision.

Overcoming blocks

You are holding yourself back? Let’s work on your issue, your concern, the resistance linked to your inner world: self esteem and faith in yourself, judgement and criticism, validation and permission, the fear to let go onstage…

Not sure

You feel stuck and unsure why? Let’s trust the proceess using coaching models to guide our conversation. They will reveal the areas requiring your immediate attention, so we can plan actions to unstuck you.

Your Assessment Session

Your 1st session offers the full power of holistic coaching. This assessment will give you a clear picture of where you are right now regarding your mindset strengths and weaknesses, creative process, management style, artist archetype, business skills, relationships with the professionals in your field, and more. 

Your Customized Program

After the assessment session, you will have a clear vision of the areas that require your full attention for rapid growth. We will create a program with a detailed plan and specific goals. During the sessions, you will also learn to optimize your best qualities and build momentum around your strengths.

Experience The full Power Of

Guardian Of my Dreams

À La Carte Session

Ideal if you just want to focus on one particular issue at a time, or if you don’t want to commit to a program yet.

Do you want a quick call with Max Olivier?

Book a 15 minute FREE call with Max Olivier and ask all your questions regarding 1-on-1 coaching, the assessment session and the customized programs.